
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology across various industries, revolutionizing the way businesses operate and empowering organizations to achieve higher levels of efficiency and productivity. As AI continues to permeate the workplace, it becomes essential for organizations to evaluate and measure its impact on employee productivity and effectiveness.

Known and, to a large extent, already deployed AI technologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing and automation significantly enhance employee productivity by streamlining tasks, reducing manual efforts and augmenting decision-making processes. However, quantifying the impact of AI on employee productivity requires a systematic approach to measurement and evaluation. 

This is not the next tech bubble – it’s already having real business implications. As AI continues to disrupt every industry and role, it’s the responsibility of employers to help prepare their workforce for the jobs of the future.


Employee experience refers to all employee interactions with their employer throughout their employment lifecycle.  Companies’ concern is providing a positive employee experience as it can increase productivity, employee retention, and customer satisfaction.  Employees look for a positive experience that includes a sense of purpose, opportunities for growth and development, and a supportive work environment.

Organizations can better understand their employees’ needs and create meaningful relationships by leveraging AI-powered communication and employee feedback solutions, primarily to get a new level of insight into employee engagement, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and act quickly. 

AI-powered workplace can enhance the overall employee experience through: 


  • Workflow Optimization: AI allows companies to optimize their workflows, ensuring they run efficiently and effectively.  In the process optimization, companies identify improvement areas but often lack the internal capacity and tools for resolution. Integration of RPA tools, like our platform, emerges as a technologically driven strategy, enabling businesses to automate and streamline targeted operational challenges.
  • Predictive Models: AI can be used to create predictive models that forecast potential issues with internal processes before they arise, allowing companies to take proactive measures to prevent costly mistakes or delays.  This will enable organizations to increase efficiency while reducing manual labor and error costs.

Improved work-life balance:

  • Prioritization: AI can help employees prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency and provide real-time feedback on how much time they spend on each task.
  • Time Management: It can also help employees manage their schedules more efficiently by suggesting the best times for meetings and other activities.
  • Remote Work: AI can help enhance remote work by providing better communication tools and collaboration platforms.

The value of AI to organizations is multifaceted and already includes improved efficiency and productivity, new capabilities and business model expansion, better customer service, improved monitoring, better quality and reduction of human error, better talent management, and so much more.  AI can also help companies address urgent and immediate business priorities quickly and at scale.  With its value-expanding impact on both sides of the financial equation, the essentiality of AI is clear.


Going forward, artificial intelligence is expected to significantly impact the future of work, improving productivity and creating a competitive edge in business.  AI will transform the nature of work and the workplace itself, with machines being able to carry out more tasks done by humans and even perform some tasks beyond human capability.  However, AI is not expected to replace human labor entirely but rather drive innovation and create new sectors for growth, ultimately leading to more jobs and potentially revolutionizing employee experience.

One thing is certain: the presence and foreseeable future is automated, but people still fear being replaced by robots and AI. At we strongly believe that robots complement people in routine, repetitive and time-consuming tasks, not replace them.

As our co-founder and CEO, Darko Jovisic, lamented in a recent interview for tportal, OTP bank saved the equivalent of 25 employees (FTE) in two years of implementing the solution. “We say equivalent on purpose because no one has ever been let go because of our technology – by freeing up employees’ time, we enable them to engage in more creative and smarter work that brings greater value to organizations” Darko pointed out.