As a manager, you often struggle to choose the best processes for automation to increase your team’s efficiency. Usually, you don’t know where to start. You ask yourself questions such as:

  • Does this process fit?
  • Will the ROI be fast enough to make it worth it?
  • Is the process frequent enough for automation to pay off?
  • Will my team’s efficiency increase if we implement RPA software?

And many other questions that are holding you back from taking the next step in making your department more efficient.

Here, we’ll answer some of these questions and provide extensive input on what to look for when searching for the perfect process candidates for RPA.

Let’s go!

Where Should I Even Start?

Your team, without a doubt. They’re your first stop to hearing the first-hand experience and determine potential process candidates for automation. Also, you will pinpoint what exactly your team can gain from implementing an RPA-Powered Digital Teammate.

They know their processes the best, and if you wake them up in the middle of the night and ask: “What part of your work do you dread the most, and would thrive if someone took it over?” rest assured they’ll answer you straight away. And that’s your starting point. The next step is to determine if those processes are:

  • Rule-based
  • Repetitive
  • Manual
  • Time-consuming
  • Dull
  • Structured

Of course, the more requirements you meet, the faster the ROI is! RPA Journey

"I Don’t Want to Fire Anyone!"

Firing anyone just because you started automating some of your business processes would be a step back from your goal. So far, no one has lost their jobs because “robots took them over.” On the contrary, employees often get promoted to better positions where they can flourish and finally use their creativity, intuition, and other skills they didn’t have time to use before hiring software robots.

In other words, software robots will take over mundane and time-consuming tasks, while your employees will bring more value to the company with skills they didn’t have time to use before.

Yes, you’re on point! That really means you can process even more work with less effort and time. The equation here equals more revenue, happier employees, etc. Perhaps even a bonus for increasing the company’s efficiency!

There Must Be More to Gain From RPA, Right?

Of course! As long as you know how to get the most from it! Reaping all the benefits of RPA implementation requires good preparation from the get-go. That includes choosing good process candidates, dissecting the process to the tiniest steps, optimization if needed, etc.

When you meet all the prerequisites, you can expect:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity of the entire team
  • More work done in a shorter amount of time
  • Happier employees (a happy employee is the best company ambassador!)
  • Foundations for scaling up and increasing the revenue
  • Possibility for promotions and professional growth
  • Opportunity for a bigger budget for more innovations
  • Increased creativity due to eliminating tedious tasks
  • Better overall accuracy & speed in process execution
  • Better customer experience and satisfaction

Often one thing leads to another, creating a chain event of opportunities that mainly depends on the process itself and the entire team structure. You can think of them as additional benefits on top of the guaranteed gains we mentioned above.

To Automate, or Not to Automate, That Is the Question?

The answer to this question depends solely on your company’s ambition to scale and grow further. Keep in mind that the process is painless and fast, requiring a minimum engagement of the employee executing the tasks you’re about to automate.

To wrap this up, now that we aligned the expectations RPA software brings, the only thing left for you is to see what the entire RPA journey looks like and prepare to be amazed!

Contact us to get a 1-on-1 short intro call!