Table of Contents

Before installing an unattended robot, check how many hours are still available

To check hour consumption and availability, follow the next steps:
1. Click on “Settings” on the left side.

2. Choose option “Tenant”

3. Under “Consumed / Total time” you can find how many hours are still available for work.

You can also check which licence is currently in use. Licence types are listed below:

  • FREE – 20h
  • JUNIOR – 120h
  • SENIOR – 240h

Unattended Robot Installation

For installing Unattended robot, your user must have ADMIN rights. If your user doesn’t have admin rights, log in virtual machine with admin user to install the robot.

1.Click on “Settings” on the left side.

2. Choose option “Robots”.

3. Download the robot by clicking the “Download robot” button. This can take several minutes.

4. While the instalation pack is downloading, go to “Control panel” app on your virtual machine by writting “Control panel” in the search bar.

5.  Click on “Uninstall a program”

6. Find the Robot, right click on it and select “Uninstall”


7.  If this popup appears click on “Yes”

8. If this popup appears, click on “Ok”

9. Confirm with “Yes”

10. After uninstalling the, the folder will no longer will no longer exist in Program files. You can verify by searching the path “C: \ Program Files\” in folder “Program Files”. If all the files have been deleted, the following message will appear:

11. You are now ready to install a new robot. Once downloaded, double click on it, and open the installation Wizard. We recommend using Chrome browser for .msi download. If you have some trouble starting .msi from “Recent downloads” card in browser we suggest you go in Windows user downloads folder where file is placed.

Typical location for this folder is: C:\ Users\ (Username)\ Downloads\

12. The following popup appears, click on “More info”

13. Confirm with “Run anyway”:

14. Start RecorderRobotSetup.msi Wizard by clicking “Next”

15. Accept the terms in the “End-User Licence Agreement” and click “Next”.

16. Choose the installation folder and click “Next”.

17. Select the “Unattended Robot” option and click “Next”

18. In new dialog fields “HQ Server” and “SSO Server” will be automatically filled – please don’t overwrite it.

Here you must add:

“Tenant Name” – visible in the “Settings” -> “Tenant”, see next picture – IMPORTANT

NOTE: please take the exact Tenant Name from HQ url, eg:

  • Client ID – this will be visible after adding a new robot or after regenerating an old one
  • Client Secret – this will be visible after adding a new robot or after regenerating and old one

Don’t close the Setup Wizard because we are not finished yet. 🙂

19. Let’s add a new robot. To do that, go again to “Settings” ->”Robots” click on “Add robot” button.

20. You can now choose additional info for your robot:

21. After saving the new robot (click Save), a popup with Client information will appear. Don’t close it yet, you will need this for installing the robot. You can find a button at the right side which will copy the client’s information (one by one).

22. Now go back to the Setup Wizard and fill in the data that you got from creating a new robot (Client Id and Client secret). The client secret is usable only once and you will get a new one after each download. After filling in the data, click “Next”. Now you can close Client secret window. (previous picture)

NOTE: If you don’t have that information for your robot, go to _”Regenerate” (picture below) and create /Regenerate new data


23. Now add the information about the robot (Username and Password that robot will use for login into virtual machine). Please keep in mind that if you use domain to login into VM (e.g. companydomain\ \ robotUser) Username must be entered with domain.

Check one of those three options below (and provide admin data if needed) and click “Next”.

NOTE: If admin role is provided (option 2 and 3 on the previous picture) it is recommended to install Robot monitoring tool separately if you want to have an option: update robot from HQ. You can do this by clicking on “Download RMT” in “Settings” ->”Tenant” page.

24. The following dialog will be opened. Press the “Install” button.


25. In this step you will need to give permission to the publisher to make changes to your device by clicking on “Yes”.

26. Now click “Finish”.


27. After pressing “Finish” button, go to HQ and check if robot is visible in HQ with the status “Available”

– if yes, now you are ready to use it and sign out from user session on VM


– if status is not “Available”, you can restart the VM, and if the problem persist, please repeat the installation (Uninstall and than install again).

To check your robot is installed correctly, schedule some immediate job on department assigned to the installed robot (eg Pause job). Ensure that you logged out from robot session on VM.

Additional info

Regenerate existing robot

This is option for regenerating your robot. Before you go through these steps, check if your robot has all of the information provided (dedicated resources, robot type, video streaming and session logout permissions – step 20.)

  1. Go to “Settings” ->”Robots” menu. Before you start, check your robot’s status. If your robot has the status “Available” go to step 2 of this Additional info. If your robot has the status “Not installed”, “Not available” or something similar and button “Regenerate” is visible to you, go to step 4 of this additional info.

2. If your robot has the status “Available”, go to the robot’s virtual machine and write down “Services” on search bar and click to open the “Services” app.

3. Find “ Gatekeeper”, right click on it and choose “Stop”


4. After stopping the Gatekeeper, in HQ your robot will be in status “Not Available” and now you can click on “Regenerate” button.

5. After pressing “Regenerate”, press “Confirm”

6. Now you will get the same window as in step21 of the main instructions and continue with installing the robot.

Installation troubleshooting

If your installation fails, or you encounter any kind of problem during setup, please take these steps:

1. if you had Robot previously installed, make sure you uninstalled it.

2. Check that you can reach servers through command promt (CMD):

  • -a. Use ping command to ping URL-s that you entered during installation
  • -eg.->

3. If this fails, run the installation with log enable. Once the log file is generated, send it to your person of reference in


On your filesystem, find where the .msi you downloaded is located. For example, lets say the msi we downloaded is located on C:/temp.

Open up command prompt by typing cmd in windows search bar and selecting command prompt from the given list:

In command prompt position yourself to the location of your .msi package you download by using cd command

eg ->cd C:/temp” ->then hit enter

4. Once you have done that, run the following command in command prompt.

msiexec -i RecorderRobotSetup.msi /I log.txt ->hit enter

5. This will start the installation again, input all the fields as you did before in installation instructions and let it start the installation.

In addition to attempting the installation, this command will generate a logfile called log.txt in the location where your msi is located.

6. If the installation fails again, take the generated log file and send it to person of reference. They will give you further instructions on how to proceed.