Table of Contents

1. So, your robots are going to put people out of work?

Our robots are designed to automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing human workers to focus on more meaningful, creative, and value-added work. While automation can lead to changes in job roles and responsibilities, it also creates new opportunities for upskilling and redeployment of human workers.

2. One robot executes only one process?

Our robots are flexible and capable of executing multiple processes – one robot can execute one process at a time, two or more robots can execute multiple processes at the same time. They can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks and can handle various workflows and process automations.

3. Who is responsible if the robot makes a mistake?

As the developers and providers of RPA tool, we take responsibility for any software-related issues or errors. However, it’s important to note that the performance and accuracy of the robot’s tasks largely depend on the quality and accuracy of the business instructions and processes programmed by the users.

4. What happens if the robots stop working?

In the event of a robot malfunction or technical issue, our technical support team is available to assist you. We provide troubleshooting guidance and work towards resolving any problems as quickly as possible to minimize downtime and ensure the smooth functioning of your processes, which is regulated in the Contract.

5. How do you validate the work that was performed by the robot? RPA tool offer comprehensive logging and auditing capabilities. Every action performed by the robot is recorded, allowing you to review and validate the work that was completed by the robot. Additionally, you can compare the robot’s output with expected outcomes or perform post-execution checks to ensure accuracy and identify any discrepancies.

6. How do robots communicate with people?

Robots can communicate with people through various means such as email notifications or integration with collaboration platforms. They can provide updates, notifications, and status reports regarding the progress of automated tasks or any exceptions that require human intervention.

7. How do you start the robots?

Robots can be started manually by authorized users through the RPA platform – Headquarters (HQ). They can also be scheduled to start at specific times or triggered to initiate based on predefined events or conditions (with unattended robot).

8. Are robots intelligent?

While robots can perform complex tasks, it’s important to understand that their intelligence is derived from the programmed instructions and predefined rules. They can make decisions based on predefined conditions but do not possess human-like general intelligence.

9. Do robots have working time?

Robots can work 24/7 without requiring breaks, rest or vacation. They can be scheduled to perform tasks at any time, allowing for continuous and uninterrupted automation.

10. What if business rules change?

If business rules change, the robot’s instructions and processes can be updated accordingly. Our RPA tools provide a user-friendly interface that allows developers and users to modify and adapt the automation workflows to reflect any changes in business rules or requirements. For users to use our platform, we recommend our Technical and Consulting Training Academies. If interested in it, please provide us with your name, surname, and e-mail address on

11. Are robots faster than humans?

Robots can perform tasks faster than humans in many cases, especially when it comes to repetitive and rule-based processes in the background (databases, API etc). However, the speed of automation depends on factors such as the complexity of the task, system limitations, user interface responsiveness, and the efficiency of the underlying infrastructure.

12. What is required from user side for implementation?

Based on our Technical Requirements (which you can find on our website under “Getting Started”/“Basic Setting” part, you will need to provide access to the systems and applications the robots will interact with, as well as helo our business analysts with detailed process documentation or workflows. Our implementation team will work closely with you to gather the necessary information and guide you through the implementation process.

13. What are the next steps after the Sales workshop?

Please refer to the Consulting Training section on our website for detailed information on the next steps after the Sales workshop. It provides a comprehensive explanation of each phase of the project methodology.

14. What are the next steps after the BA discovery workshop?

Please refer to the Consulting Training section on our website for detailed information on the next steps after the BA discovery

15. When will you start developing our processes?

The development of your processes will typically begin after the BA discovery workshop and when the Offer is accepted, or Contract is signed. The exact timeline will depend on the complexity of the processes and the project priorities. Our project methodology, available in the Consulting Training section, provides detailed information on each phase of the project.

16. How fast can you develop our process?

The development timeline for your process depends on its complexity and will be communicated to you in the beginning of the project. We have a complexity calculation outlined in a separate document available in the Consulting Training section, which can give you a better estimate of the development duration based on the specific requirements of your process.

17. Is expensive?

We have detailed information on pricing and licensing in a separate document available in the Consulting Training section. It outlines the cost structure and can provide you with a clearer understanding of the expenses involved. The cost of RPA tool and services depends on various factors, including the complexity of the processes and the scope of the implementation.

18. When will you send the first invoice for the robot?

The first invoice for the robot will be issued after 30 days of the process being in production. We bear the risk during the initial period to ensure that the automation solution is functioning effectively before invoicing begins, so it’s a no-risk journey for you.

19. Does the deployment of digital workers require changes to computing applications? What are your Technical Requirements?

Our Technical Requirements document, which can be found in the Consulting Training section, also on our website under “Getting Started”/“Basic Setting” part, provides detailed information on the technical specifications and integrations necessary for seamless deployment.

20. How to choose ideal RPA candidates?

We have prepared a document specifically addressing the selection of ideal RPA candidates. You can find it in the Consulting Training section, where it provides insights and guidance on selecting suitable processes for automation.

21. Can I also learn how to use RPA tool? What training do staff need to collaborate with your digital workers?

Absolutely! offers its own Academies, which includes Technical and Consulting Training. To gain access to our Academy, you can send an email to requesting an invitation.

22. What are the benefits of using RPA tool?

The benefits of using RPA tools include increased operational efficiency, reduced errors and rework, improved scalability, cost savings, the ability to free up human workers for higher-value tasks and many others. Our RPA tools empower organizations to automate their processes and drive digital transformation and success in many fields.

23. How do we monitor and manage digital workers? provides monitoring and management capabilities through its RPA platform. You can track the execution of tasks, monitor performance metrics, receive alerts and notifications, manage the scheduling and allocation of digital workers as well as set up your own KPIs and metrics. The platform offers a centralized control panel for effective monitoring and management of your automation processes.

24. How many robots should we buy?

The number of robots required depends on the complexity and volume of processes that need to be automated. The complexity calculation and licensing information, available in the Consulting Training section, can help us determine the appropriate number of robots for your specific automation needs.

25. What is an RPA Center of Excellence (CoE)?

An RPA Center of Excellence (CoE) is a dedicated team or department within an organization that oversees and governs the implementation, management, and maintenance of robotic process automation initiatives. The CoE is responsible for setting standards, best practices, and governance frameworks to ensure successful and scalable RPA deployments. can guide you through the whole process since our experience with our clients/banks helped us to become experts in it.

26. Are specialists or trained technicians on the client side required for automation implementation?

Specialists or trained technicians on the client side can play a valuable role in the automation implementation process. That way they can possess the technical expertise to design, develop, and deploy automation solutions effectively. Depending on the complexity of your processes and the specific requirements of your organization, having specialists or trained technicians involved can help ensure a successful implementation and optimize the performance of your automation initiatives.

27. Are humans required to constantly monitor RPA processes?

While RPA processes can be designed to run autonomously (unattended), it is recommended to have human oversight to monitor the processes periodically. Humans can intervene if any exceptions or errors occur, ensure the smooth functioning of the automation, and make any necessary adjustments or improvements.

28. What is a workflow?

A workflow refers to the sequence of tasks and actions required to complete a specific process or achieve a particular outcome. In the context of RPA, workflow refers to the step-by-step automation of tasks and activities that mimic the manual actions performed by humans to accomplish a business process executed by robot.

29. How long does it take to learn to work in RPA platform?

The time required to learn to work with the RPA platform can vary depending on your existing knowledge, experience, and your available time. If you have a background in IT, it may be significantly faster for you to grasp the concepts and functionalities. However, for complete beginners, it may take up to one month of practice and training exercises to gain proficiency and create your first simple process with our Academies.

30. Is RPA secure? places a strong emphasis on security and has obtained four ISO certificates to ensure the highest level of security and data privacy. These certifications include ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 27001 for information security, ISO 27017 for cloud security, and ISO 27701 for data privacy. These certifications demonstrate our commitment to maintaining robust security measures to protect your data and ensure a secure RPA environment.