Effortless technology, unbreakable security

Implementing new technology into bigger organization bears many hesitations, especially in terms of security. To provide you with an extra peace of mind, we invested heavily in security.

From ISO certificates to carefully planned infrastructure and encryption – rest assured that your data remain your data.

ISO certifications

The cloud infrastructure for HQ as well as the services we provide are ISO-certified in different areas:
  • ISO 9001 – Quality
  • ISO 27001 – Security
  • ISO 27017 – Cloud Security
  • ISO 27701 – Data Privacy and GDPR

Custom-made cloud infrastructure

We built it from the ground up to have more control and ownership. HQ servers are hosted by Azure. To fill the needs of high availability we are using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) which is deployed over 2 Azure datacenters in in West Germany and Netherlands.

Role-based access control

Control who sees what at every level of your organization.

Assign teams, users, administrators based on your procedures.

Encryption at Rest and in Transit

Remain in full ownership of business critical data through BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) encryption key management system.

Secure communication via HTTPS and mTLS protocols between the HQ, robot, and your infrastructure.

Audit trail - video, logs, streaming

The system stores who logged in, who created procedures, what was performed and when…

See the robot in action. Read the logs. Watch later.
Everything that’s essential to have a firm grasp on processes and risk management.

Note > It’s possible to exclude sensitive business data from the logs.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Users set their own password for HQ access. When using SSO, users authenticate through their customer identity provider and receive a token for HQ access.

KeyCloak handles authentication and user management.