Table of Contents

Software and Hardware Requirements for Platform

REQUIRED: IT contact on Client’s / Partner’s side who will confirm the Technical Requirements are met

Robot Component

Virtual machine (VM) with the following characteristics:

Minimal requirements:

  • Intel® Core™ i7-3770 or better
  • 8 GB RAM or more
  • 100 GB hard disk or more
  • VM resolution – 1920 x 1080 – this should be adjusted as default on VM

Fixed requirements:

  • Windows 10 PRO or Enterprise or Windows Server 2022 (or older, supported by Microsoft)
  • Microsoft Office
  • Chrome web browser (the HQ web application is optimized for Chrome)
  • Installed .NET framework 4.7.1 or higher ( us/download/dotnet-framework/net471)
  • .NET6 runtime is not necessary to install because it is shipped in installation (self-contained mode)
  • Local admin permissions on the VM(s)
    • REQUIRED: Local admin account needs to install software on the VM. Software itself does NOT require Admin account (some software utility capabilities will be hindered)
    • Secure Sign-In (the user must press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the lock screen before the Sign-in process begins) must be disabled at Robot VM
    • OPTIONAL: If Robotiq software (Digital worker) has access to Admin credentials, then several features are available, which include:
      • Robot update on demand
      • Installation log streaming
      • Additional features in the future
      • If Digital Worker (Robot) is instructed to execute an admin action as a part of a business process (advised to check with process owner if it is necessary to have admin rights to execute the process), admin access is required since this is a constraint set by Windows OS.
  • Download Robot installation according to the documents:
    • Installation Instructions – Development Robot (*Can be installed without admin account, installing  user  needs  read/write  access  to  files:  %programfiles%, %appdata%).
    • Installation Instructions – Unattended Robot:
      • Development Robot is part of Unattended Robot installation. It is not permitted to install Development Robot on a VM where Unattended Robot is already installed, and vice versa.
  • Installed applications that are used in the processes with necessary Robot permissions granted

AD account for the Robot with the following characteristics:

  • Password with no expiration
  • Robot username at VM without white spaces in the name (e.g. “robot1” or “RobotCompanyName1”– can provide a Robot username suggestion)

On the VM(s) we need the following:

  • Remote Desktop access; VPN for dedicated Consultants
  • Access to HQ server ( through the following ports (VM and Host (if exists) firewall):
    • 443 – HTTPS traffic
    • Execute command prompt command: ping – to verify VM is set up properly and traffic is passing through.
      *Please note – until ping command executes successfully, prerequisites are not met. cannot provide consulting service regarding this since this is reliant on Client’s/Partner`s infrastructure.

Localhost TCP communication must be unhindered on ports:

– 32788 (Credential provider),
– 0-65535 -> Handler chooses any AVAILABLE port in range. “Nice to have” requirements:

– If the Client / Partner has more than one process to automate at the same time: dedicates one Consultant per process development. In case there are more processes that need to be developed at the same time, it is nice to have one DEV VM per Consultant for development purposes, so they can concurrently develop and test the processes.

However, once fully developed, the processes will run on ONE dedicated Production VM.

More than one Production VM is used in case of many processes or simultaneous process execution.

– PM or Coordinator on Client`s / Partner`s side who will coordinate the Project flow.